Managing your Pension

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Managing your Pension

Great you have started your pension, but are you managing your pension to ensure you are on track to reach your goal retirement income? Now is the time to review your contributions, maximise your tax relief benefits and take control of your future.

Ask yourself a question How much do I need when I retire?

See our easy to use pension calculator at here.

Our Expert Advisors are here to advise you on the best path to help you reach your retirement goals.

Managing your funds

Are you sure you are in the most suitable fund, according to your current needs and lifestyle? As it changes, it is important to review your pension to ensure you are in the most suitable saving, providing you with the best possible returns for your capacity for risk.   Our Expert Advisors are here to help you decide on the level of risk you want to take and which founds and assets you want to invest in.

Maximising your Contributions

Wouldn’t it be great to maximize your pension contribution while reducing your tax bills? If your income is taxable under Schedule E or Schedule D (typically employees), your maximum allowable pension contribution is related to your age and expressed as a percentage of your gross income.  The maximum gross income figure is capped at €115,000 – anything above this limit doesn’t qualify for tax relief.

This means that you can receive income tax relief (20% or 40% depending on the highest rate of income tax that you pay) up to the limits outlined below:

Tax Relief by Age Bracket

Under 30





60 and over








For example, if you are 42 and earn €50,000 per annum from employment, you are eligible to obtain tax relief against total pension contributions of up to €12,500 per annum (25% of your gross salary).

Income tax is dependent on individual circumstances; however, typically 40% would be applicable in this instance.

With 40% tax relief, a contribution of €12,500, will cost you €7,500 in your take-home pay.

To discuss your pension options, request a call back using the button below or contact 0818 297 600.

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