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Commercial Premium Finance Confirmation

Thank you for placing your insurance with us. In order to spread the cost of your premium you have opted to pay for your insurance policy through a credit agreement arranged with one of our premium finance providers Close Brothers Premium Finance Ltd or Premium Credit Ltd. We wish to confirm on your instruction we have either applied for a new finance policy or rolled over your existing finance agreement.


Please note where documents have been requested for proof of PPS number Campion Insurance do not require your PPS number, this is requested by the finance company to report to the Central Credit Register. To facilitate your finance application, we pass any documents required to the finance company. The Central Bank of Ireland established the Central Credit Register which is a centralised system for collecting personal and credit information on loans of €500 or above.  This information may be used by other lenders when making decisions on your credit applications and credit agreements. If you require any additional information please visit, where it aims to answer all consumer questions.  


It is also important to note the key points that you should be aware of when entering into this agreement with the finance company:

  • The finance company charge an administration fee and interest (noted on your mandate) for financing the policy.
  • The instalments will be drawn from your bank account on the preferred date indicated by you or if ‘none’ is entered the insurance policy inception date.
  • Funds must be available in your account the day before the instalment date to avoid default.
  • There is a €40 default fee for each default on each instalment.
  • Please note if there are more than 3 defaults on the finance policy for any reason then regrettably the finance company may not offer finance as an option on your renewal.

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      • Select Customer Type

      • Select Subject


        • My Insurance Query relates to

          Farm dwelling / ContentsPublic LiabilityEmployers LiabilityPersonal AccidentLivestockOutbuildingsTractors & MachineryPrivate Car/Jeep


        Leave your number here and we will give you a call back.


          Leave your number here and we will give you a call back.

            Based on the information provided and by pressing submit you agree for a member of our team to contact you with an indicative quote.
